bigmemory - Manage Massive Matrices with Shared Memory and Memory-Mapped Files
Create, store, access, and manipulate massive matrices. Matrices are allocated to shared memory and may use memory-mapped files. Packages 'biganalytics', 'bigtabulate', 'synchronicity', and 'bigalgebra' provide advanced functionality.
Last updated 1 years ago
11.87 score 127 stars 64 dependents 920 scripts 9.4k downloadslistdown - Create R Markdown from Lists
Programmatically create R Markdown documents from lists.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.17 score 27 stars 11 scripts 303 downloadspreference - 2-Stage Preference Trial Design and Analysis
Design and analyze two-stage randomized trials with a continuous outcome measure. The package contains functions to compute the required sample size needed to detect a given preference, treatment, and selection effect; alternatively, the package contains functions that can report the study power given a fixed sample size. Finally, analysis functions are provided to test each effect using either summary data (i.e. means, variances) or raw study data. <doi:10.18637/jss.v094.c02> <doi:10.1002/sim.7830>
Last updated 5 years ago
3.22 score 3 stars 11 scripts 253 downloads